You love TpT! Yep, me too.
It has provided you with such awesome opportunities beyond what you ever could have hoped for when y you started you career as a humble teacher…
You’ve been balancing teaching while building up your TpT store for a while, – it’s challenging but you love it!
You’ve even reached the point where you feel like you’re making a decent income. Perhaps you’re close to, or surpassing your teaching income! Maybe you’ve successfully turned it into your full time gig.
Things are good with your TpT business, BUT after years of selling are you starting to find that you’re generally having to work really hard to keep up the pace?
And even then, you can’t help but notice that your growth isn’t as dramatic as it used to be?
If you are starting to plateau, or even show signs of regression despite working really hard to keep adding new resources to your store, then you’re not alone and it’s probably nothing to do with you – especially if you’re out there marketing and putting out content to draw in an audience.
I know it can be worrying when you notice this happening, but it’s actually something that happens to an abundance of sellers which is why so many are starting to get savvy and are choosing to extend their business beyond the walls of TpT!
Not to mention, it’s important for you to challenge yourself and keep developing as an entrepreneur.
It’s not surprising that the plateau happens really, especially when you consider just how many teachers have their own stores on TpT now, and how many millions of resources are out there all competing with yours. It’s the natural ebb and flow of business.
TpT has become a “red ocean”. (I recommend brushing up on what the red and blue ocean strategy is if that term is new to you!)

It’s like a blood bath of competition these days!
It’s not TpT’s fault. It happens to all successful marketplaces eventually – everyone wants to jump on board and get their piece of the pie, understandably.
Unfortunately that results in an over saturation of products similar to yours, and it soon becomes a race to the bottom with people lowering their prices to compete until there’s nothing left and the customers have been trained to get products for dirt cheap, or even free.
Don’t be sad though! Despite whatever stage your store is now, it has taught you so much and no one can take that education away from you.
If you’ve gone far enough in your TpT journey, you’ve learned about expert product creation. Design. Websites. SEO. Lead magnets. Email marketing. Social Media marketing. Photography / video creation. Editing. Proofreading. Learning new software. People management. Time management. Back up and storage (hopefully not the hard way before losing all your data..!) I’m sure you can think of even more.
But you know this is only the beginning, don’t you?
There’s a whole blue ocean out there waiting for you, beyond the walls of TpT!

You bet there is. That blue ocean is out there!
What does that look like? What are the big opportunities for teacher sellers beyond TpT?
Well, I can’t tell you. That’s the whole point – you’re going to be the one to create these new opportunities.
And that’s what this site is all about helping you do. Giving you strategies, options, ideas and guidance to get you thinking about what other things you could create in your teacherpreneur business, beyond the walls of TpT.
So if this sounds similar to your journey so far and you are excited at the prospect of taking your business beyond TpT, then it sounds like you could be ready and you will want to bookmark this site as more content will be coming your way to help you.
However – I do encourage you to get the most out of your TpT business first before exploring new territory. There’s no point rushing to the next stage if you still have a lot to learn about running a TpT store.
You will want to make sure you know all about marketing, SEO, lead magnets and all the things listed earlier in this article so that when you are ready to explore the blue ocean, you have all the skills you need to find success quickly!
It’s like making sure your boat is properly equipped for the journey out into the big wide ocean. It’s the smart thing to do.
So if you’re not sure whether there’s more potential left in your TpT store yet or if you feel you are ready to scale up and want to know what’s next, you can take this quiz below to find out, and in the report you’ll find some top tips for your next steps in your business!

2 thoughts on “How do you know when you’re ready to extend your teacherpreneur business beyond TpT?”
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