Why you shouldn’t keep all your eggs in your Teachers Pay Teachers basket
Category: mindset
Tags: marketplaces
TPT ROCKS! BUT YOU DON’T OWN IT… Selling on Teachers Pay Teachers is great. I love it and owe so much to the opportunities they have given me, and I am sure you feel the same! It’s just important to be aware that while it’s very possible that you can be very successful for years on end, it’s also important to recognize that if TpT decide to change something drastic (and they can), your business as you know it could end overnight. If you’ve been around in the teacher seller space for the past few years, you might recall a site called Teacher’s Notebook. A lot of TpT sellers were also housing their resources there too, but in September 2018 it shut down. Completely gone. Vanished. Kaput. Sayonara. That means everyone who relied on that site as their income stream had the rug pulled from under them in a flash and there wasn’t anything anyone could do about it. A few months later, the same thing happened to Educents.com and TeachWise.com. I’m sure they aren’t the only ones. So all that time spent transferring uploading to those sites – wasted time. All those pins – now redundant and being directed
How do you know when you’re ready to extend your teacherpreneur business beyond TpT?
Category: mindset
SO YOU’RE A TPT SELLER! DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOUR JOURNEY? You love TpT! Yep, me too. It has provided you with such awesome opportunities beyond what you ever could have hoped for when y you started you career as a humble teacher… You’ve been balancing teaching while building up your TpT store for a while, – it’s challenging but you love it! You’ve even reached the point where you feel like you’re making a decent income. Perhaps you’re close to, or surpassing your teaching income! Maybe you’ve successfully turned it into your full time gig. Things are good with your TpT business, BUT after years of selling are you starting to find that you’re generally having to work really hard to keep up the pace? And even then, you can’t help but notice that your growth isn’t as dramatic as it used to be? If you are starting to plateau, or even show signs of regression despite working really hard to keep adding new resources to your store, then you’re not alone and it’s probably nothing to do with you – especially if you’re out there marketing and putting out content to draw in an audience. I know it